All Monster Intro (Sound Effect Only) - MH Rise Sunbreak - YouTube

monster hunter rise sunbreak Rise 00:00 Great Izuchi 00:38 Great Baggi 01:30 Kulu-Ya-ku 02:10 Great Wroggi 02:57 Arzuros 03:46 Lagombi 04:27 Volvidon 05:02 Aknosom 05:39 Royal Ludroth 06:21 Barroth 07:09 Khezu 07:51 Tetranadon 08:29 Bishaten 09:18 Pukei Pukei 10:07 Jyuratodus 10:46 Basarios 11:37 Somnacanth 12:26 Barioth 13:04 Tobi Kadachi 13:38 Magnamalo 14:40 Anjanath 15:47 Nargacuga 16:26 Mizutsune 17:11 Goss Harag 18:00 Rathian 18:40 Rathalos 19:24 Almudron 20:12 Zinogre 20:44 Tigrex 21:26 Diablos 22:18 Rakna-Kadaki 23:01 Rajang 23:50 Bazelgeuse 24:46 Kushala Daora 25:45 Chameleos 26:50 Teostra 27:41 Valstrax 28:31 Ibushi 29:23 Narwa 30:13 The Allmother Sunbreak 31:26 Daimyo Hermitaur 32:21 Blood Orange Bishaten 33:08 Garangolm 34:02 Shogun Ceanataur 34:50 Aurora Somnacanth 35:39 Lunagaron 36:32 Astalos 37:10 Seregios 37:50 Magma Almudron
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