Eisenhower Returns To Us (1952)

Unissued / Unused material. Title - ’Ike’s back!’. Republican Presidential candidate General Dwight Eisenhower (Ike) returns to Washington DC. United States of America (USA). MS flags flying outside SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe). LS Eisenhower and General Matthew Ridgway standing on steps. Various shots crowd applauding. MS Ridgway and Eisenhower shaking hands. Washington. LS Constellation aircraft taxiing towards the welcome parade at the airport. MS West Point cadets presenting Arms. MS General and Mrs Eisenhower coming down gangway from aircraft. LS guns firing salute. LS Eisenhower being greeted by various friends and relatives. MS Eisenhower’s supporters holding placard. MS General and Mrs Eisenhower standing at microphone. He speaks “As I suppose is very natural, under these circumstances, all lesser emotions are drowned out in the overwhelming realisation that we’re home again. Just home again. Two of us to join a hundred and fifty six million Americans, that
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