Spanish Dancer Aka Castinets And Castanets (1956)

Margarita Restaurant, Cork Street, London. Various shots of Spanish dancer Margarita dancing and playing castanets in traditional dress as part of the floor show at a Mayfair restaurant. We see diners who are turning round to watch her. A large part of the dance is without musical accompaniment; natural castanets and heel-stamping sounds! C/Us of people in evening dress applauding at the end of the dance. Various shots in a backstage area where Margarita shows a little English girl how to play the castanets (natural sound). Another female dancer looks on as Margarita explains the lower sounding castanets is the ’boy’ or rhythm line; the higher one is the ’girl’ or melody line (this scene is in natural sound). The little girl has a go on the castanets; the second dancer motions to Margarita that it is time for the next number; Margarita grabs a red dress hanging on the wall and they both walk out. Back in the restaurant another dance routine is seen; the two girls dance around each other and play
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