Funny Chicken Videos (Kutaka Niwatari version)

{} Chicken, Rooster, Hen, Whatever you call it, they deserve respect, if you don’t give respect, well in the video you can look at the consequences. [] Gallina, Pollo, Gallus gallus domesticus, Como quieras llamarlo, ellos merecen respeto, si no les das respeto, bueno en el video puedes ver las consecuencias. = Music: - WBaWC Kutaka’s Theme: Seraphic Chicken (From Touhou 17 by ZUN) = Materials: - Video: Random Chicken Videos that I found on the Internet - Secret Image: (Mefomefo) = Characters: - Kutaka Niwatari - Reimu Hakurei - Marisa Kirisame - Konpaku Youmu - Byakuren Hijiri - Kyouko Kasodani - Ichirin Kumoi
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