Soap Box Derby (1951)

Soap box derby in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. M/S Cars being unloaded off lorry. Another angle, cars being unloaded off lorry. Boys in crash helmets working at repair bench. One takes oil can and oils wheels of trolley. C/U Boy in crash helmet, pan down to oiling wheel. C/U Small boy fixing wheel. C/U Small boy hammering. Car on its side, boys mending it. Two boys checking steering on one car. Army types lifting car up and cadets looking underneath. C/U Small boy checking brake pan down to brake. C/U Car . C/U Front of car with letters ’BRM’. Boy getting into car. C/U Front wheels being turned. C/U Boy in crash helmet. Group standing around before race. Two boys talking “technically“. Two more boys talking. C/U Small boy putting on crash helmet. Boy getting into car. Small boy in car talking to army officer “technically“. C/U Bonnet of one car. C/U Back of car “Colonist II“. C/U Front of another car. M/S Starter dropping flat. Start of race, boys in car running down ramp and along course, crow
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