Accent On Sport (1961)

Full title reads: “Accent On Sport“ Goodwood, Sussex. RAC Tourist Trophy (TT) motor race won by Stirling Moss. SV Roy Salvadori checking the engine of his Aston Martin with his mechanic. CU Salvadori. SV Stirling Moss talking with a friend. CU Moss. SV Innes Ireland. LV the Duke and Duchess of Kent waiting for the start. CU the starter holding the flag up. LV Drivers lined up ready to run for their cars in a Le Mans-type start. They start running First on the grid is Mike Parkes, driving a Ferrari. No 6 next to him is Moss, also Ferrari. Parkes is the first away followed by a group of another cars pan as the cars roar away down the track. LV crowd. LV crowd. LV cars coming past camera. SV crowd. LV pan Parke’s Ferrari in the lead, coming past camera down the straight. LV group of cars coming through the chicane (paddock bend). LV pan the Aston Martin of Jim Clark going down the straight. LV Moss leading Parkes into the chicane very close together, followed by another car. SV couple in crowd watching the c
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