Gemäldegalerie Berlin - collections of European painting. Art Masterpieces in gallery - video tour.
Gemäldegalerie Berlin - Eyck, Bruegel, Dürer, Raphael, Titian, Caravaggio, Rubens, Rembrandt, Delft.
The Gemäldegalerie boasts one of the world’s most important collections of European painting ranging from the 13th to 18th century. The gallery is especially proud of its strong collection of German and Italian painting from the 13th to 16th century and painting from the Low Countries dating from the 15th to 17th century.
Ever since its foundation in 1830, the Gemäldegalerie’s collection has been developed with a systematic and scholarly eye to the history of art. This consistent and continual survey of European painting from the 13th to 18th century is the basis for both the world-class reputation that the gallery enjoys today and the many incomparable masterpieces that it contains, dating from all key art-historical epochs.
A complete tour of the gallery stretches to just under two kilometres, taking the visitor through some 72 main galleries and intimate small side-rooms, which act as windows onto the constantly shifting terrain of the history of Western art. Core focal points in the collection are German and Italian painting of the 13th to 16th century and Netherlandish painting of the 15th and 16th century. The collection of paintings from the late Middle Ages and Renaissance ranges from the great Italian masters Giotto, Fra Angelico, Raphael and Titian to the richly detailed pictures of Pieter Bruegel, via the Flemish master Jan van Eyck and the most notable figures in early German painting of the Gothic and Renaissance periods such as Konrad Witz, Albrecht Dürer, Hans Baldung Grien, Lucas Cranach the Elder, and Hans Holbein.
The gallery of Rembrandt’s works occupies a central role in the museum, which is reflected by the central position it commands. With some 16 works by the artist, the Gemäldegalerie presides over one of the largest and most exquisite Rembrandt collections in the world. It is enhanced by a number of other paintings by Dutch and Flemish artists of the 17th century. An array of portraits, genre paintings, interior scenes, landscapes, and still lifes are a vivid reflection of the way artists in this golden age of painting specialized in repeatedly depicting certain subjects. The splendid collection of Italian, French, German, and English 18th-century painting includes works by Canaletto, Jean-Antoine Watteau, Antoine Pesne, and Thomas Gainsborough.
Approximately 1000 masterpieces are on display in the upper galleries at any one time.
It holds one of the world’s leading collections of European paintings from the 13th to the 18th centuries. Its collection includes masterpieces from such artists as Albrecht Dürer, Lucas Cranach, Hans Holbein, Rogier van der Weyden, Jan van Eyck, Raphael, Botticelli, Titian, Caravaggio, Peter Paul Rubens, David Teniers the Younger, Rembrandt, Johannes Vermeer, and Antonio Viviani.
The Gemäldegalerie prides itself on its scientific methodology in collecting and displaying art. Each room can be taken in as a single statement about one to five artists in a certain period or following a certain style. The German collection is the finest and most comprehensive in the world, rivalled only by Vienna and Munich, and the Early Netherlandish and Italian collections also exceptionally comprehensive.
In the Renaissance section, for example, Caravaggio’s Amor Victorious is displayed alongside Giovanni Baglione’s Sacred Love Versus Profane Love. The two paintings are historically connected; after hearing of the scandalous portrayal of the theme “love conquers all“ in Caravaggio’s work, a Roman bishop commissioned Baglione’s reply, which mimics Carvaggio’s style, including the features of Amor.
Gemäldegalerie Berlin - Main collection highlights
Music: Drops of H2O ( The Filtered WaterInstallation Treatment )
featuring: Airtone
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0)
0:00 Gemäldegalerie Berlin
6:40 Hans Holbein the Young: Portrait of Georg Giese 1532
7:47 Albrecht Dürer: Hieronymus Holzschuher, 1526
13:04 Jean Fouquet: Etienne Chevalier a sv. Štěpán
17:16 Lucas Cranach the Elder: The Fountain of Youth 1546
36:15 Pieter Bruegel the Elder: Netherlandish Proverbs, 1559 / Two Monkeys
39:02 Rembrandt: The Man with the Golden Helmet,
39:40 Peter Paul Rubens
44:24 Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio: Amor Vincit Omnia, 1602
47:12 Frans Hals: Catharina Hooft with her Nurse, c. 1619–1620
47:29 Frans Hals: Singing Boy with Flute / Malle Babbe
49:37 Jan Vermeer van Delft
53:11 Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez: Portrait of a Lady
1:00:27 Agnolo di Cosimo (Agnolo Bronzino): of Ugolino Martelli
1:04:45 Sandro Botticelli: Venus / Giuliano de’Medici
1:04:56 Sandro Botticelli: Madonna with Lilies and Eight Angels / Portrait of a young woman (Simonetta Vespucci)
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