PyGame Tutorial For Beginners - How to make Buttons in PyGame

With pygame we can also create buttons. This video is a code walkthrough for the same. A button is basically used to call on to a function, to perform a specified task. Also we would add a hover functionality, i.e. whenever the user hovers over the button , it’s color becomes lighter in order to indicate that the cursor is on the button and the button can now be clicked. We make use of several modules to create a single button. To render text on the button, the font module is used, to set up the button box the Rect module is used also the mouse module is used in order to find the current cursor coordinates. For code go to: #PyGame #Python #ProgrammingKnowledge #PythonTutorialforBeginners #Game #GameDevelopment #PyGa ... #ProgrammingKnowledge #Python_Unit_Test #Getting_started_with_pytest #PythonCourse #PythonTutorialforBeginners #Python_(Programming_Language) #Python #Programming_Language_(Software_Genre) #Python_Tutorial #Python_course 20220906 W6Xl9Fhgsw0
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