Duke Of Edinburgh Visits HMS Bulwark Sees Landing Craft (1960)

Location Unknown / Unclear. Several shots of the Rhine Ferry with leading platform being manoeuvred into position. LS. DUKW landing craft passing in front of the ferry. LS. Landing platform being manoeuvred into position. Two long shots of Royal Navy helicopter landing. LS. Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh (in army uniform). Admiral Bonham-Carter and Brigadier Helling i/c 3rd Commando Brigade, walking to beach. Various shots of the Duke, Captain of A. W. Squadron, Rear Admiral Bonham-Carter, and Brigadier Helling conferring. Various shots of the group with disembarking trucks passing behind. LS. Trucks leaving landing craft. Various shots as the group climb aboard landing craft and it moves off. LS. Lorries leaving. Another wave of landing craft beaching. Several shots of the Duke returning into DUKW. MS. Duke walking on beach. LS. Duke entering helicopter. LS. The helicopter taking off and in flight. (Lav) Date found in the old record - 25/04/1960. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ.
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