G20 Bali: Russian Sergei Lavrov dodges hospital claims before summit of world leaders

Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s veteran foreign minister, on Monday dodged claims he was hospitalised in Indonesia, lashing out instead at western journalists. Associated Press earlier on Monday cited Indonesian officials saying the 72-year-old Russian minister had been taken to hospital with a heart condition on arrival to the island of Bali for the G20 summit. The minister’s press office was quick to laugh off the reports and promptly put out a video of the minister sitting on a patio reading documents. Maria Zakharova, the ministry’s spokeswoman, was heard asking Mr Lavrov, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts, about the report. Read the full article here: Subscribe to The Telegraph with our special offer: just £1 for 3 months. Start your free trial now: Get the latest headlines: and are websites of The Telegraph, the UK’s best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, business, sport, lifestyle and culture.
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