allergic to people | scaramouche and ayaka [flash/eyestrain] [read description!]

If you’re confused on whats happening here, I based this animation on the theory that scaramouche is ayaka’s brother, ayato. I’m not completely sure if her brother’s name is ayato so sorry for that mistake, and I’m not completley sure she has a brother, but it’s a cool concept. Anyways, back to the theory, my headcanon about this is that after ayaka and scaramouche escape, they go their seperate ways, scaramouche becoming a harbinger and leaving ayaka with tohma. Years later, they meet in the battlefield. That’s just my headcanon! Anyways, sorry I’ve been dead for the past few months, I’ve lost motivation to animate but now I’m back and working on a couple new projects! (the next video I post will be 4 minutes long so get ready!!)
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