Military priests of the Airborne Forces work in the Kherson direction

Military priests of the Airborne Forces work in the Kherson direction Servicemen of the Airborne Forces from the Dnepr group of troops continue to carry out combat missions. Priests help them maintain peace of mind and raise their morale. Priests provide fighters with the opportunity to participate in church sacraments. Often, risking their lives, along with soldiers, priests not only serve prayers, but also give communion, confess and baptize military personnel who have acquired faith. Conversations with them have a strong positive impact on the morale of soldiers. They cannot do without the examples of our great Orthodox warriors and commanders, glorified as saints: Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Fyodor Ushakov. In the army, the famous phrase of the great commander Alexander Suvorov: ‘We are Russians. God is with us!’ is perceived completely differently. Paratroopers of the assault units of one of the airborne forces received a blessing and received communion before performing a combat mission. For the full spiritual care of the personnel of the ‘winged infantry’, clergy are constantly arriving at the territory where their units are located, with whom all military personnel, in their free time from combat, can realize their religious needs and regularly perform divine liturgies, rites of Baptism, prayers on Orthodox holidays and memorable days.  Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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