Как обрабатывают и что делают из коры пробкового дерева.

Фильм показывает производство различных изделий из коры пробкового дерева, все части которой идут в дело : на пробки для бутылок, на покрытия стен, полов, для производства подложек, обуви, и так далее Cork is a remarkable material known for its versatility, sustainability, and unique properties. Its use extends from traditional wine stoppers to contemporary architectural and fashion applications, making it a highly regarded natural resource. Cork harvesting is a festive and communal event in some regions of Portugal and Spain. Families and communities come together to help with the harvest, and it’s often accompanied by music and food. Besides, Cork’s insulating properties have made it valuable for aerospace applications. NASA used cork as an insulator for its Saturn V rocket. If you find all this fascinating, join us to learn a little more about the cork process in several of its applications! HZCORK Instagram: Youtub
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