This Week in Volcano News; Iceland’s Reykjanes Volcano Erupts; Lewotobi Pyroclastic Flow

This week, an unexpectedly voluminous yet brief eruption occurred at Iceland’s Reykjanes volcano. Elsewhere, the Lewotobi volcano produced its first eruption in 20 years, generating a pyroclastic flow which was slightly longer than 3 kilometers in length. And, on the island of Java, the alert level was raised at the Raung volcano. Thumbnail Photo Credit: Mayo, Wyatt, Alaska Volcano Observatory / Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, This image was overlaid with text, and then overlaid with GeologyHub made graphics. If you would like to support this channel, consider using one of the following links: (Patreon: ) (YouTube membership: ) (Gemstone & Mineral Etsy store: ) (GeologyHub Merch Etsy store: ) Google Earth imagery used in this video: ©Google & Data Providers This video is protected under “fair use“. If you see an image and/or video which is your own in this video, and/or think my discussion of a scientific paper (and/or discussion/mentioning of the data/information within a scientific paper) does not fall under the fair use doctrine, and wish for it to be censored or removed, contact me by email at tccatron@ and I will make the necessary changes. Various licenses used in sections of this video (not the entire video, this video as a whole does not completely fall under one of these licenses) and/or in this video’s thumbnail image (and this list does not include every license used in this video and/or thumbnail image): Public Domain: CC BY 3.0: CC BY 3.0 NZ: CC BY 4.0: Sources/Citations: [1] YouTube Creative Commons, Video at 4:27-4:37 of Raung’s 2020 eruption: CC BY 3.0 license. This video was cropped slightly, cut to a shorter length video, and cropped again into 16:9 dimensions. [2] University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute [3] Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys [4] Tonga Geological Services [5] PVMBG (Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi) [6] / Iceland Met Office [7] Phivolcs (Philippines) [8] U.S. Geological Survey [9] Rabaul Volcano Observatory [10] Servicio Geologico Colombiano [11] Hawaiian Volcano Observatory [12] Alaska Volcano Observatory [13] Vanuatu Meteorology & Geo-Hazards Department [14] INSTITUTO GEOFÍSICO ESCUELA POLITÉCNICA NACIONAL (Ecuador) [15] OVSICORI-UNA (Costa Rica) [16] Sernageomin (Chile) [17] Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-hazards Department [18] Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Russia) [19] Tonga Geological Survey (Tonga) [20] CIVISA (Azores) [21] Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys [22] Japanese Meteorological Agency [23] ONEMI (Chile) [24] INGV (Italy) [25] Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys 0:00 Poas is Erupting 0:38 This Week’s Top Stories 1:17 Reykjanes Eruption 2:48 Lewotobi Erupted 3:57 Raung Alert Level 4:37 List of Erupting Volcanoes
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