Sigma Male Sama - Way of the Grindset

the perfect sigma male doesn’t exi- ...omg he is literally me Σ Σ Σ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here’s my Grindset Schedule, post yours fellow sigmas: 2:00 am- Wake up - Cold shower - breakfast,almonds, breast milk bought off Facebook, 50mg adderall 2:30am- begin workout,incline bench 2 plates,12x12 with 30 seconds of rest, no warmup. 2:45am- edging,4hrs (for disipline) 6:45am- cold shower 7:00am- begin sprint to work 8:00am- arrive at work 8:05am- get called into boss’ office 8:06am- get fired from job for “repeated inappropriate comments“ and “predatory behaviour“ 8:10am- sprint back home 9:10am- lunch-raw cod, berries foraged on the way home, small pebbles (for digestion),50mg of adderal 9:10am- edging(as punishment) 2:50pm- lovers embrace with Commodore 64 8-bit home computer system 3:00pm- bed time More me
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