Coronavirus protesters clash with police in Berlin | DW News

In Berlin, police detained about 100 people during protests against the German government’s coronavirus restrictions. Several thousand people are reported to have taken part in marches around the city calling for an end to the measures including facemask mandates. There were scuffles between police and some demonstrators who tried to enter Berlin’s cordoned off government quarter. Frustration was evident in Berlin. Thousands of protestors pushed through the city on Saturday, with tense and violent scenes erupting in some locations. Police formed blockades to keep protesters out of the capital’s government district. Police used pepper spray to force people back after they pushed their way through. Despite bringing in more than 2,000 additional officers to control crowds, the clashes still broke out. Police filed dozens of minor and criminal charges. Ahead of the weekend, the police already warned there would be more protests than usual in the German capital. Many marching are ag
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