Meshuggah - “New Millennium Cyanide Christ“ (2023 Bloody Hell Edition)

The first music video I ever tried transforming using AI was Meshuggah’s iconic NMCC, back in June of 2021. It was a very low resolution at 480x480 and I was just beginning to learn about the process. A year later I did a higher resolution version with new software, and while it was an improvement, it was still more of an abstract style treatment, hinting at tentacles and various alien organic shapes. Deciding that this pilgrimage of sorts to NMCC may be an annual event, my 3rd attempt now incorporates much more distinct models of skeletal forms and photographic textures, with more direct callbacks to the works of HR Giger to whom I am infinitely inspired and indebted. • This render also available at • Original timeless video by Meshuggah: • My 2022 render: • My 2021 render:
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