Pete Philly & Perquisite - Empire

Empire is the second music video of ’Mystery Repeats’ and was entirely shot on the streets of Tokyo. ’Empire’ and ’Mystery Repeats’ are both available on I-Tunes now. More on Pete Perq: http://www . petephillyandperquisite . com Cast: Napoleon: Togo Igawa Crew: Prod. Comp.: Habbekrats Reclame Concept: Jim Taihuttu, Victor Ponten Yousef Gnoaui Dir.: Victor Jim .: Daniel Bouquet Prod.: Frieder Wallis Line Prod.: Trainspot Tokyo Focus Puller: Lonneke Worm Editor: Nils Rensen Make Up: Seiko Ouchi Art-Direction Intro: Paula Loos Styling: Lee Stuart Colorist: Wouter Suyderhoud, Filmmore Amsterdam Thanks to: All the extras, Anneke Beerkens, Blazinbell, Hanna van den Hout, Tokyo City, Mitsue Iwata, Mayuko Takahashi, Scarlett Johansson, Tax Fonds, Kodak Benelux, Golden Eye, Filmmore Amsterdam, Epitaph Europe, Warring McKenna Ltd. London, Yokocine . Tokyo, Japanese Embassy to the Netherlands
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