Taking Apart a Philips 32“ PFT5500 Smart TV: What’s Inside? - The Electronics Inside

Smart TVs dominate their market these days, regardless of the manufacturer, and LED (as opposed to LCD) TV technology is common. So, David decided to tear down his long-suffering Philips LED Smart TV from 2015 to see what makes it tick! Discuss the episode and ask David questions on the element14 Community! (David would also like to thank his fellow e14 presents hosts for letting him raid their personal channels for video content for this episode) Engage with the element14 presents team on the element14 Community - suggest builds, find project files and behind the scenes video: Visit the element14 Community for more great activities and free hardware: Tech Spotlights: RoadTest and Reviews: Project14: #0:00 The Electronics Inside #0:32 LED Smart TV #16:19 Give Your Feedback #smarttv #philipstv #ledtv #lcdscreen #ledpanel #teardown
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