Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming classic demonstration of the 108 “Old Yang“ taijiquan (low res 360) mid 1990s

High resolution streaming videos and video apps available. Tai Chi Chuan Classical Yang style demonstration and overview: Yang 108 form detailed instruction: This official #ymaa #yangtaichi form was learned by #dryangjwingming as a teenager in #taiwan with Grandmaster Kao, Tao (高濤) whose teacher was Yue, Huanzhi (樂奐之), an indoor disciple of Yang, Chengfu (楊澄甫). This form has martial applications intact and was preserved in its “old“ sequence, slightly different than the popularized #yangfamily form. #yangchengfu and #yangbanhou taught a full curriculum of #taijiquan with martial aspects, pushing hands, weapons and sparring, but these were hidden, not taught openly, during Japanese occupation and then continued through early communist days. Only after the Chinese cultural revolution ended in the 1970s did these arts slowly get traced back to their
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