Spoken French French: Understanding This BIG Difference Will Help Your Fluency

There’s a reason you’re not making progress with your French: you’re focusing on the wrong things! Here’s what to focus on instead. 💾 Read, save and/or print the full written lesson here (free): &source=youtube 🎓 Join my Everyday French crash course (free): What if I told you that the reason you’re struggling to make progress with your French is because you’re focusing on the wrong things? Don’t worry — it’s not your fault. If you first learned French in a classroom setting, your teachers were focused on teaching you proper, written French… or what I call school French. And they were right to do that! This more formal French certainly has a time and place. Unfortunately, though, you didn’t learn French like a French person would. You could even say that you were taught backwards. Which is exactly why you
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