Time lapse Dandelion flower transforming to seed head. Filmed over 1 month. Flor de diente de Leon

Filmed by Neil Bromhall in my studio in Oxford. The flower to seed head takes slightly longer to turn when filmed in my studio compared to a plant growing outside. The French name for dandelion is Flor de diente de Leon #dandelions Filmed for my plant identification app Filmed for my rightplants app Time lapse dandelion flower to seed head Dandelion flower to clock filmed continuously over a period of one month. Intervals between 5-45 minutes. Aphids continue to feed on the dandelion whilst the seeds mature. Dandelion are considered a weed, though I think they are very beautiful. The rightplants app is designed to help find and identify the right plants for every aspect of a garden and seasonal need and help you create a garden design with colour and interest. I use photographs as well as time lapse sequences to make it more informative. I hope you find it interesting. Nikon D500 with 55mm lens with growlight and studio flash. Music Brandenburg ConcertoNo 4 By Kevin MacLeod Brandenburg Concerto No4-1 BWV1049 - Classical Whimsical by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence () Source: Artist:
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