Saint-Saëns - Le Carnaval des animaux, The Carnival of The Animals, 動物の謝肉祭, 동물의 사육제 (Georges Prêtre)

Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921) Le Carnaval des Animaux: Grand Zoological Fantasy. Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (00:00-01:25) 00:00 Introduction et Marche Royale du Lion / Introduction and Royal March of the Lion 02:12 Poules et Coqs / Hens and Coks 02:59 Hémiones / Wild Asses 03:33 Tortues / Tortoises 05:20 L’Éléphant / The Elephant 06:59 Kangourous / Kangaroos 07:46 Aquarium 09:38 Personnages à longues oreilles / Characters with Long Ears 10:30 Le Coucou au fonds des bois / The Cuckoo in the Depths of the Woods 12:19 Volière / Aviary 13:32 Pianistes / Pianists 14:54 Fossiles / Fossils 16:06 Le Cygne / The Swan 18:44 Final Pianos: Aldo Ciccolini & Alexis Weissenberg Orchestre de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire Conductor: Georges Prêtre Recorded in 1965, at Paris New mastering in 2021 by AB for CM//RR Painting: Liliane Guiomar - Manège aux bois (htt
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