Medical Myths: Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory

Are germs the cause of disease or is the real problem an environment that promotes a state of illness? Many alternative medicine practitioners argue that infectious disease is a result of poor defense mechanisms and long standing inflammation, but how does that hypothesis stand up to the scientific consensus of germ theory? Sources used in this video: Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ History of Germ Theory: Join me for weekly Trivia on Twitch! I have merch! ... Here’s how you can support my channel: #science #medicine #pseudoscience #debunk #myth #atheist #agnostic #skeptic #organic #gmo #chemical #toxin #shill #natural #nutrition #nongmo #detox #naturopathy #terraintheory #germtheory #disease #alternativemedicine #holistichealth #holistichealing #chiropractic #homeopathy
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