Из ВОДЫ делаю КУКОЛ! НОВИНКА 2023! Pixlings
These videos are for the collectors of LOL Surprise, Barbie, Fashion Dolls, OMG Dolls and doll DIY artists. I collect LOL dolls and make different DIY projects with them. I have a website where I post new releases and give affiliate links to amazon where everyone can buy them and where I got them myself. These new releases I review on this channel. In these reviews I compare appearance and new details created by top-notch designers to make them fashion forward that fascinate collectors like myself. The feedback given in the comments to these videos help create different perspectives on every new series or sets released. These videos might be helpful to different type of audience, not only collectors, but also parents, gift givers, toy producers and manufacturers, stores both online and offline, trendsetters, social media influencers, doll designers and doll DIY artists. I post videos both on this channel and
1 view
3 days ago 00:04:24 1
Бюджетная закуска из рульки на каждый день , вместо колбасы! Рождественский стол 2022
4 days ago 00:02:47 1
Десерт за 3 минуты из 3 ингредиентов (БЕЗ сливок и желатина)
5 days ago 00:04:23 2
☀️АЖУРНЫЕ тонкие блины БЕЗ ЯИЦ и МОЛОКА, после Масленицы, Люда Изи Кук постные блины на воде в пост
1 week ago 00:03:46 1
Каролина в Огне! В США крупнейшие пожары в истории
1 week ago 00:02:34 2
Лень мыть сковороду привела к КАТАСТРОФЕ #кино #фильмы