let me save you [Utena x Anthy AMV] [Trade Mistakes]
Happy Valentine’s Day and Femslash February! After 8 months, this is finally, finally done.
This is the first of two AMVs I’ll be submitting to Sakuracon this year, and the second AMV published out of... uh, 60 Utena AMV ideas I put together in a spreadsheet.
...At the rate I’m going, I might be able to finish by the time I retire. But hey, I’m having fun learning Premiere (and later AE, hopefully), so that’s nice.
EDIT 3/27/2019: ...I referenced the wrong lyrics. Funnily enough, the new lyrics are what I thought the song said originally. Captions and description are corrected now.
Placing a smile at the perfect event,
Gracing your skin with the side of my hand.
If I ever leave I could learn to miss you
But “Sentimental Boy“ is my nom de plume
Let me save you, hold this rope
I may never sleep tonight,
As long as you’re still burning bright.
If I could trade mistakes for sheep,
Count me away before you sleep.
I’ll stay awake ’til I trade my mistakes
Or they fade away
I feel marooned in this body
Deserted, my organs can go on without me.
You can’t fly these wings.
You can’t sleep in this box with me.
Let me save you, hold this rope
I may never sleep tonight,
As long as you’re still burning bright.
If I could trade mistakes for sheep,
Count me away before you sleep.
I’ll stay awake ’til I trade my mistakes
Or they fade away
So, let me save you
Hold this rope and I’ll pull you in
’Cause I am an anchor
Save her or feel it sinking in
Let me save you, hold this rope
(this is only the greatest story ever told)
I am an anchor, sinking her
(with lightning in my head to be brought to the world)
I may never sleep tonight,
As long as you’re still burning bright.
If I could trade mistakes for sheep,
Count me away before you sleep.
I’ll stay awake ’til I trade my mistakes
Or they fade away
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