Please watch in HD! There are so many fandoms and character in this! If you watch all of the shows/films - we can be besties! ;)
Legend of the Seeker - Cara & Kahlan
Leverage - Parker
True Blood - Jessica, Willa, Tara, Pam, & Sookie
Orphan Black - Helena, Sarah, & Cosima
Once Upon A Time - Snow White, Evil Queen/Regina, Cora, & Emma Swan
Buffy/Angel - Willow, Faith, & Buffy
Game of Thrones - Arya, Daenerys Targaryen, Brienne of Tarth, Yara/Asha & Ygritte
Merlin - Morgana
Supernatural - Meg, Jo & Ellen Harv
6 months ago 00:02:27 1
drive you insane | junmo ✘ gicheol » the worst of evil - [fmv]