Demonstration in support of Palestine in Novi Pazar, Serbia

A demonstration in support of Palestine was organised in Novi Pazar, the largest city of Sandzak region in Serbia where Bosniak population is densely populated. The group gathered in the city square, carrying Palestinian flags and banners showing their reaction to the events in Gaza and their support for the Palestinian people. Haris Ibrahimovic, one of the participants of the demonstration, stated that they are on the side of the Palestinian people who suffer from water, food and electricity shortages and said, “We are with the people who are expected to perish in front of the eyes of the whole world. We call on international organisations to react as soon as possible and end the war.“ The crowd chanted “Free Palestine“ slogans and shouted takbir. Meanwhile, it was also announced that an aid campaign was launched in Novi Pazar for the Palestinian people.
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