Sideways Stories From Wayside School: Chapter 1:

Sideways Stories From Wayside School: Chapter 1: Mrs. Gorf Written By: Louis Sachan Illustrated By: Julie Brinckloe Narrated By: Nana (Brenda Lovett) Produced By: Nana’s Story Time with Brenda Lovett In Chapter 1 we meet the teacher Mrs. Gorf, the meanest teacher in the school. She teaches the kids in th classroom on the thirtieth story. She tells the children if they are bad or gets an answer wrong she will wiggle her ears, stick out her tongue, and turn you into apples. She doesn’t like children, but she loves apples. One of the children named Joe could not add, he couldn’t even count, and he knew he would be turned into an apple if he got the answer wrong, so he copied from John. One day he got caught copying from John, so Mrs. Gorf, wiggled her ears, stuck out her tongue, and turned Joe and John into apples. Todd was standing up for his friends, and turned him into an apple, and Stephen as well when he started crying. Over the next two days a
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