Earl and Countess Mountbatten attend the Jubilee Convocation of Delhi University (1948)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Earl and Countess Mountbatten laying foundation stones at the Jubilee Convocation of Delhi University in India, and attending festivities Full Description: INDIA: Delhi: EXT INDIA Jubilee Convocation of Delhi University attended by Lord and Countess Mountbatten. Countess Mountbatten lays foundation stone of new Women’s College. Earl Mountbatten lays stone of new Faculty. Sen talking to Pandit Nehru LORD AND LADY MOUNTBATTEN Attend Jubilee Convocation of Delhi University. Foundation stone laid by Countess Mountbatten. Governor-General created an honorary Doctor of Science. Seen chatting with Pandit Nehru. Earl Mountbatten lays of foundation stone of the Faculty Building. NEW DELHI Earl and Countess Mountbatten attend Jubilee Convocation of Delhi University. Countess Mountbatten lays Foundation Stone of New Women
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