
Subscribe for more - Donate if you like our videos - Check the gadgets below. Which one was your favourite? GloFX Diffraction Glasses - LED Party Mask - LED Tetris Lamp - Mini Laser Projector - PrankBro RC Robot - Vector Intelligent Robot - This week we came across a colony of robots who really love dancing? and a party-mask that even the most sinister of villains would be jealous of! Check out the links in the description box below Alright let’s see what we got! Disclosure: Links to products and services found on our videos are likely affiliate links which pays a small commission to us when clicking or tapping on the link soon follows with a confirmed order or purchase. Hope you enjoyed the video! #EmoDesktopPet #AnkiRobot #VectorRobot #CozmoRobot #CoolStuff #Technology #Review #Tech #TechReview #Gad
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