Interview with Marshal Georgy Zhukov (English Translation) [Part 1] | Интервью с Жуковым [Часть 1]

Part 2 | Часть 2 interviews, speeches, and memoirs of historical figures playlist: In 1966, Georgy Zhukov was interviewed by Soviet writer Konstantin Simonov, where he recounted the difficulties of the first months of war with Germany, the defense of Moscow, and how he was appointed commander of the Western Front. This interview was archived for over 40 years and was first shown on Russian TV in 2010. Now we decided to translate it into English. What you are about to see is not the full video. Leave comments, like and subscribe if you want us to translate the rest. You can support us by donating to improve the sound quality: Discord: В 1966, Георгий Жуков дал интервью Советскому писателю Константину Симонову, в котором рассказал о трудностях первых месяцев войны с Германией, обороне Москвы и о
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