Created in Unreal Engine 5 by Al Medwedsky
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Апошнія танцоры выпраўляюцца ў вымушанае падарожжа разам з тысячамі беларусаў і беларусак — гурт Sož прадстаўляе кліп на загалоўную песню з дэбютнага EP.
“Apošnija Tancory“ — гэта ўжо другая сумесная праца з лічбавым мастаком Al Medwedsky, якога ў гэтым анімацыйным відэа нарэшце можна ўбачыць разам з музыкамі. Першай было візуальнае ўвасабленне дэбютнага сінгла “Malako“
Пачаўшы вандроўку ў акваторыі Сажа, цяпер мы апынуліся ў адкрытым моры. “Мы так моцна змяніліся, мы не змяніліся ані кроплі“, — менавіта так гучыць галоўная мантра гэтай песні. Запрашаем вас проста зараз убачыць на ўласныя вочы, як выглядае наш асабісты “філасофскі параход“, які ўжо колькі гадоў нясе нас праз штармы рэвалюцыі, вайны і эміграцыі.
Sož band‘s new video “Apošnija Tancory“ sequels traditions of post-punk animation in Unreal Engine 5 world
Sož band releases new animated video for heartbreaking title track of EP “Apošnija Tancory“ (Last Dancers in Belarusan). Six minutes meditative blockbuster has video incarnation due to the talent of Al Medwedsky, band’s “fifth member“, who has created its debut surrealistic animated clip “Malako“ (Milk) earlier
Belarusan post-punk has world recognition due to the names of bands Molchat Doma and Nürnberg. In music Sož furthers the cause of trailblazers‘ influence, but in philosophy doesn’t flirt with being “post-soviet“. The band pulls back the curtain, shining a light onto the transitional Belarusan society and its painful decolonial development. Part of it is a wave of Belarusan émigré bands and projects over Europe, after political clash of country in 2020, and Sož is one of them in Poland.
The band comments, — “We have changed so much, goddamn, we have not changed a bit! — that’s a mantra of this song and a core essence of any creative soul in music. Revolution, war, emigration, sins and rehabs, love and hate — we have seen maybe even too much than we would expect in our age. In our new video one can see how our “philosophers’ ship“ looks right now. Next step is the album, which we would love to present on board a ship“.
Sož is an electro post-punk band coming from Homiel, Belarus, called by the name of the local river. Has released debut EP “Apošnija Tancory“, videos “Malako“, “Stotis“ and “Apošnija Tancory“. Band is now working on its debute LP, playing shows in Poland.
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