New Title Art!

Back in 2019 when we were preparing to release WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition into Early Access, we had to create some title graphics for the Steam store. We had plenty going on that month, so we whipped up a simple image of a wolf howling at sunrise. We always intended to be temporary, but it’s taken us awhile to get back to this. But at last, it’s ready! Created by longtime WQ player Rolin, we’re just thrilled with it. (Rolin also created the “Welcome to Lost River“ town sign in Lost River DLC map.) So don’t be surprised when you see this new artwork on the Steam store. It is the same game! We’re also putting “WolfQuest Pastoral“, as we are calling it, on various merch options on Redbubble. So, if you love it as much as I do, check that out: We have plenty else in the works now, so stay tuned for game updates! _________________________ The WolfQuest saga will continue! Stay tuned for more news in upcoming devblogs about it and other new features! Once the game is completed on PC/Mac, we will turn our attention to other platforms. We do not announce specific release dates. We will release them when they are ready.
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