SERBS TO RUSSIANS: Support for persecuted Russian people throughout the world: Serbian Song “Russia“
As witnesses to the mass persecution of Russians around the world, similar to the inquisition’s and Nazi persecutions of Jews in Hitler’s Germany before World War II, we, righteous Serbs, we could not stand by current events in Western countries silently. Massive firing of people from work, just because they are Russians, expulsion of Russian students with state scholarships and honors just because they are Russians, as well as numerous “bans for Russians“ across Western countries, for no other reason than being born as Russians or in Russia, such events are horrific, terrifying and UTTER INSANITY!
In this regard, we video made this video, as a desire to express our love and support, to all the persecuted people men, women, students and children, so they would know that they are not alone and that no injustice, crime and torture like this will last forever. We pray to our same (Serbian and Russian) God for all our Russian brothers and sisters around the world, as well as those in Ukraine and Russia to endure, survive and not to give in nor bow down to this persecution, but to proudly stand up against it, to show and prove to the world once again that they are stronger than globalist (neo) Nazism and bring us again the salvation from neo-Nazism.
We are both destined to bear The Cross, righteous Serbs are always with you brothers, and we pray to our common God for your health and safety wherever you are!
Serbs and Russians - Orthodox brothers forever!
As we do, so God help us! Long live!
Wonderfully beautiful,bright-shining land,
an Island of Orthodoxy* (Christianity)
Loyal to ou Lord, filled with spirituality
my and God’s Russia!
Oh Russia, Russia, you are my love
you are my dear sister, Russia!
Dear Nikolai*, our golden knight
we will stand together, brother, side by side
Bogatyr* with you, will draw his sword,
We’ll light up a candle of our friendship,
Oh Russia, Russia, you are my love
you are my dear sister, Russia!
From your closest sister, God’s Serbia,
Russia, accept this gift, (x2)
Serbian translation:
Љепотом чудесна, свијетла земља,
Острво православља,
Господу вјерна, духовношћу испуњена
Божија моја Русија.
Русијо, Русијо, ти си моја љубав
ти си моја сестра, Русијо!
Мили Николају*, витеже златни
стајаћемо, брате, раме уз раме
Богатир* с тобом, исукаће свој мач,
Упалићемо заједничу свијећу пријатељства
Русијо, Русијо, ти си моја љубав
ти си моја сестра, Русијо!
Од рођене сестре Србије свете,
Русијо, прими овај поклон, (x2)
Orthodoxy* - shortened reference to (Eastern) Orthodox Christianity
Nikolai - Holy Tsar Nicholas II Alexandrovich Romanov, was the last emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland. He ruled from 1894 until the February (and then October) Revolution of 1917.
The Serbian Orthodox Church cannonised him a saint, because Russia, at his personal request, decided to go to war against Austria-Hungary once it had attacked Serbia. Furthermore, Nicholas II insisted
on the defense of Serbia, although he was warned by his military experts that Russia is not ready and nor able to compare it’s strength to Germany militarily. He ignored their numerous warnings that this could result in a failure,
and in the further instance, social unrest. During the war, Russia sent large quantities of ammunition, medical aid, food and volunteers, but it also pressured the Entente allies to help Serbian and
to the Montenegrin army in their defense. Russian emperor is directly responsible for the survival of the Serbian army during its retreat through Albania to Greece. As our exhausted and frozen soldiers arrived on the Adriatic coast,
the French press wrote that there was no point to save and transport people who are already practically dead from hundreds of kilometers of enforced marching through cold winter mountains, followed by months of famine and thirst.
The famous ultimate letter, sent by the Russian tsar to the Entente allies remained in the memory of those events. In the letter, he threatened that Russia would withdraw from the war and sign
separate peace treaty with Germany, if the allies, and above all Italy and France, do not send their ships and transport Serbian soldiers to safety. An energetic and short letter from Nicholas II reads: “If
the Serbian army is not immediately saved from Albania, Russia will break its alliance with the Entente and conclude a separate peace treaty with Germany.“
Bogatyr - a myth character of an unknown hero from Russian folk legends
*Subtitle addition:*
Made in support for Russian people suffering injustice throughout the world, from Serb people of Serbia, Srpska and Montenegro, we’re with you!
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