The Lord Mayor’s Show (1967)

This is a colour item. The Lord Mayor’s show, London. Various shots Morris dancers. C/U accordionist. C/U girl swinging hammer to ring bell (fairground attraction). L/S coconut shy. C/U barrel organ. C/U couple listening. C/U Punch and Judy. C/U boy laughing. M/S Lord Mayor’s robes laid out at Mansion House. C/U chain. M/S Lord Mayor - Sir Gilbert Inglefield - adjusting his ruff. He then puts on his robe, chain and tricorne hat. His wife helps him. Exterior shot balcony of Mansion House. Crowd. Band marches past. M/S Lord Mayor on balcony. Various shots carnival floats in parade. Various shots people in fancy dress costume walking in procession. L/S the Lord Mayor’s coach leaving Mansion House, Pike Men follow. L/S people walking in procession in period costume. Various shots Lord Mayor’s coach. L/S procession. L/S choir and crowd on steps of St. Paul’s cathedral. L/S St. Paul’s from camera car, also crowd and procession. L/S crowds. Angle shot church steeple. L/S band o
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