The World In Camera (1950)

Full title reads: “The World In Camera“. Rochester, Kent. Memorial service for the dead of the submarine HMS Truculent. SV Through arch of Rochester Cathedral. (For super. sub.) LV Elevated people going into cathedral. SV Relatives going into cathedral. CU Lieutenant Bowers, ex-Cdr. ’Truculent’. CU Two survivors of the sunken submarine HMS Truculent. SV Pan relatives going into cathedral. CU Admiral Lord Fraser. SV Towards Lt. Bowers and wife going into cathedral. MV Air Vice Marshal Steele arriving. SV People looking on. CU Pan Brigadier Davy walking into cathedral. SV Towards and pan Lord Hall alights from car and walks into cathedral. SV Towards C-in-C Admiral Sir Henry Moore arriving. SV Interior of cathedral. CU Door of church closing. Subtitle reads: “Egypt“. Modern designs for homes are built in mud and stone. Gorna, Nile Valley. GV Builders at work on village. SV Builders laying stones on mud. CU Builder laying stones on mud. SV Builders building wall watched by architect. MV Workmen w
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