How to propagate avocado trees with a very high success rate

Avocado trees can also be propagated by cuttings, this method is commonly used because the success rate is very high Step 1: Select a Healthy Branch Choose a healthy branch or trunk from the parent tree. The cutting should be about 10-12 inches long and have several leaves. Step 2: Remove Leaves Remove leaves from the bottom of the cutting. Leave some leaves at the top. Step 3: Rooting Hormones (optional) Dip the cut end in rooting hormone to encourage root growth. Step 4: Plant in Soil Plant the cutting in a pot with well-draining soil. Water thoroughly, then cover the cutting with a plastic bag or plastic tent to create a moist environment. Step 5: Care Place the pot in a warm, bright place but avoid direct sunlight. Keep the soil moist and mist occasionally on the cutting. It will take several months for roots to develop.
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