Clap hands and shake feet

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. Clap hands and shake feet Promote the balance between heart fire and kidney water. Thus driving the five elements of the qi cycle. Gain health and vitality. 5-10 minutes a day. Life on earth originated from the fire of the sun and the water of the oceans. Through the exchange and balance of water and fire, various forms of life are gradually formed. The human body comes from nature, and the five elements in the body also come from nature. The two most important elements in the body are fire for the heart and water for the kidneys. The wood in the liver, the metal in the lungs, and the earth in the spleen all need to be heated by fire and moistened by water. The prerequisite for us to achieve good health is the balance of the five elements, endless life, health and longevity. The prerequisite for the balance of the five elements is the balance of water and fire.
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