Please contact me for services:
Website: (no www. or https:// needed)
Donations - Thank you so much for the blessings xoxoxox Elle
Amazon Wish list, Thank-you!!
Sacred Protected place to come together :)
I have a lot of content already on all tiers and I thank-you so much for your support and friendship. We really have a strong tribe of non - judgmental people there.
Zoom: Live Meditations, Light Language Galactic Connections, & Personal activations.
Welcome is this Sacred space xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Looking to see my other channel
Elles Pod
...cast & collaborations
Here are some other videos you may enjoy:
Manifest! ❤ Sound & Light codes to assist your Manifestation! Grounding and Healing 🎉
Light Language - Self Worth - Codes to shine the light into your temple. Release the shadow
Light Language - Nervous system, digestion and expression - Integrity is in your heart
Instagram - @soulstarvisions
Facebook - SoulStar Visions
Telegram: SoulStar Visions
Although my intentions are always to bring Truth and Healing through, with the highest good for all. There is no way to prove that what I’m channeling is for everyone and if its the correct information for you.
This is an Entertainment channel only.
My sessions are Entertainment purposes only as well.
Please always use discernment
#QuantumHealing #LightlanguageActivation #whatisLightLanguage #learnLightLanguage #PodCast #Magical #Elementals #Mantis #Lyrans #Atlantis #Andromeda #AstralTravel #Angelics #Channeling #Keycodeactivator #TarotLove
#Astrology #Tarotreading #zodiac #Love #TwinFlame #soulconnections #healing #Meditation
The Event, The Great Shift, March Portal, Ascension, Choice, healing Circle, Soul Realization, Soul Realization Mastery, Personal Ascension Guide, Soul Realization, Spiritual Realization, Self Realization, Self help, Spiritual Success, Evolution, Expansion of Consciousness, Healing, Global Healing, Heal the World, Quantum Healing.Show more