Dog and Cat Go Through Mesh Screen in Different Ways || ViralHog
Occurred on October 2, 2022 / West Hollywood, California, USA
Brewskie the cat is a 2-year-old Highland Lynx (or Highlander) cat. He is polydactyl (has thumbs), has curled ears, and a bobbed tail. He was rescued a year ago from owners who couldn’t keep him. In our home, he met his new buddy. Squink the Dog. Squink is a 5-year-old rescue. Terrier mix of some sort. They like to play in the yard. To get there, they have to go through a Magic Mesh screen. Squink walks right through and Brewskie can too -- if he wanted to. But Brewskie is a little extra. He likes to make a grand exit and entrance. As people say, watching Brewskie do what we call The Brewskie Burst never gets old. Squink is always a little perplexed.
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