Legio XII Fulminata - Epic Roman Music

Music & vocals by Farya Faraji. Please note that this isn’t reconstructed Ancient Roman music, it’s modern music using ancient Roman instruments and part of their music theory framework. The Legion XII Fulminata was a legion active from its levying in 58 B.C by Julius Caesar to the 5th century A.D, active in many conflicts such as the Gallic Wars and battles against the Parthian Empire. The instrumentation consists of ancient an pandoura, lyres, aulos, a pan flute, drums and cymbals, all instruments used by the Romans of Antiquity. The pronunciation used here is Reconstructed Classical pronunciation, and the melody adheres to the long vs short vowel distinction of Latin, as well as (mostly) its stress accent. Lyrics in Latin: Inter hastas et hostēs! Fulmināmus! Pro ārīs et focīs! Fulmināmus! In Sabis et Gallia, Fulmināmus! In Armenia, Parthia Fulmināmus! Fulmina, Paternā, Antīqua, Victrix, Certa Constans! English translation: Between spears and ennemies, We strike thunder! For altar and hearth, We strike thunder! In Sabis and Gaul, We strike thunder! In Armenia, Parthia, We strike thunder! Thunderous, Fatherly, Victorious, Ancient, Surely Constant!
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