Я так сильно вас люблю. Каждого из вас! Вы очень красивые, интересные и особенные – люди, события, предметы, все! Спасибо вам за то что вы есть. Спасибо.
Далее тот же текст на английском языке. Я ненавижу английский язык!
I love you all so much. Every single one of you! You are all so beautiful, interesting, and special – people, events, things, everything! Thank you for being there. Thank you.
Filmed by my husband Denis Kharitonov
All additional footage used in this video was shot by myself.
All 35mm photos was shot by myself.
The video was edited by myself.
The mix was recorded at the Vervo club, Kunming city, China. Thanks Maxxi for this opportunity!
Мой телеграм-канал
4 months ago 01:28:35 4
x Vervo Kunming / Dj Tuesday (oonefivenine) | UKG / Deep Garage
5 months ago 01:20:17 1
x DubYard / Dub Ghost vinyl set | psychedelic / doom / acid rock