iphone moment ✿ Join my brand new discord by becoming a channel member!! (click the join button next to subscribe) (twitch subs work too btw); I’m pretty active in it so join if you want a more direct way of talking to me AND early access to videos!! Plus, you can stay even after your membership runs out! To join, sync your YouTube/Twitch with your Discord account by going into User Settings, Connections, YouTube/Twitch, and clicking the “Join Server“ button ✿ FULL MODS LIST: ✿ Follow me on twitter: If you want to send me fanart, the best way is via twitter @’s or DMs, as it’s pretty much the only social media I check regularly (slash religiously lol) ✿ Watch me record these runs live!! The “about“ page on my twitch channel has a section of frequently asked
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