30 tornadoes across multiple US states leave scores dead | DW News

Devastating tornadoes have ripped through multiple states in the midwestern US. At least 70 people have been killed in the state of Kentucky. The governor says it’s the worst tornado in the state’s history. A number of workers died when a wall collapsed at an Amazon warehouse in neighboring Illinois. Missouri, Tennessee and Arkansas were also hit. US President Joe Biden says he is seeking whatever funding is needed to deal with the disaster. Houses were flattened and lives destroyed. Streets where people once lived are now reduced to rubble after 30 tornados battered the central United States. The state of Kentucky was hardest hit, with the small town of Mayfield left in near ruins. The governor declared a state of emergency as he spoke of the unprecedented tragedy. Deaths have also been reported in Tennessee, and several people are known to have died at an Amazon factory in Illinois. Others face an agonizing wait for news. As well as pledging affected states would have what they need, U
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