Thomas Was Alone Review (PS3/Vita)

Learning your shapes would have been so much better with narrative like this. Thomas Was Alone has just hit the PlayStation Network, available for PS3 and Vita with cross buy and cross save. Here is my video review. Follow me on Twitter! Most of my reviews follow this rough score outline, and is an accurate representation of the game as a whole in my general opinion. I don’t generally factor price into my scores because I follow this simple ode - “A good game is a good game“. Price is always subject to change, so I don’t factor it. Only Mobile games, which heavily center on price points and value, may have price influence added into the review. 10.0 - A game that receives a 10 is not a perfect game, but it is a game that speaks volumes about our industry. It’s the kind of game that does so many things right. The kind of game that pushes our industry forward, sets standards, raises the bar, and ultimately makes a name for its
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