[World Record] Contra Low% in 10:22 (Co-op)

World Fu***ing Record Guys!!! First of all I have to apologize for no mic audio but the room we were was very noisy so I just captured game audio, about the run we had a horrible mistakes in stage 4 “base 2“ and we totally failed reducing lag at stage 7 “Hangar“ probably without those mistakes this could have been a 10:18 but we are happy with the result, thanks for watching this run. Player 1 - McFly Player 2 - TMR Now you can support me on Patron: Also I want to thank ’Graham Fox’, ’Memememe’, ’OutputCoupler’, ’christian r’ and ’Seth Blase’ for supporting me and making possible this video. DID YOU KNOW? You can help out a lot just by clicking that THUMB UP or SHARING this video. By doing so this video content goes higher in the YouTube Search Engine which means more people being a
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