Marozzo’s Greatsword True Stretta 4

Marozzo (Translation by Craig Pitt-Pladdy) But beware that every time that somebody wants to make some kind of hold on the leg, you have to be warned that every time that he casts away his sword to bow to take that leg that you will have advanced, you quickly throw it backwards a gran passo from the other and cast him a fendente, or give him the pommel of your sword in his back, therefore you must not forget to make that counter when it should happen to you. ================================ Копилка знаний о ФЕХТОВАНИИ. Фехтование, Fencing Это самое крупное сообщество фехтовальщиков в России и СНГ. Цель: объединение усилий в накоплении знаний, опыта и навыков фехтования, помощь в обучении других. Теги: Фехтование, Фехтування, Fencing, Sword, Knight, Рыцари, Меч, Холодное оружие, Шашка, Сабля, Рапира, Шпага, Полутор, Двуручник, Лонгсворд, Спорт
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