Imagine Dragons - Warriors Guitar Cover by Yujin

안녕하세요 여러분 요즘 코로나 때문에 밖에도 못 나가고 심심하시죠 이번 곡은 리그오브레전드 곡으로도 유명한 Imagine Dragons의 Warriors 연주해보았어요! 좋게 들어주세요 그리고 오늘은 세월호 6주기 입니다 꽃다운 나이에 안타깝게 세상을 떠난 이들을 함께 추모해주세요 Hello, everyone. You’re bored these days because of Corona. This time, I played Imagine Dragons’s Warrior’s songs, which are also famous for League of Legends! I hope you like it. And today is the 6th anniversary of Ferry Sewol. Please join us in remembrance of those who have died sadly at a flower-like age. 레슨 문의 Insta - @u_jineeee_
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