How Do You Steer a Drill Below The Earth?

When the commotion of construction must be minimized, try horizontal directional drilling! The bundle deal with Curiosity Stream has ended, but you can still get a great discount on Nebula and support Practical Engineering here: Watch the Coding Train video: Play the simulator: Like laparoscopic surgery for the earth, horizontal directional drilling (or HDD) doesn’t require digging open a large area like a shaft or a bore pit to get started. Instead, the drill can plunge directly into the earth’s surface. From there, horizontal directional drilling is pretty straightforward, but it’s not necessarily straight. In fact, HDD necessarily uses a curved alignment to enter the earth, travel below a roadway or river, and exit at the surface on the other side. Practical Engineering is a YouTube channel about infrastructure and the human-made world around us. It is hos
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